To understand Forex simply believe that: Life always has a fat tail
Life always has a fat tail” is a statistician’s way of saying, “You never know what life is going to throw at you so you had better be prepared for anything.”1 Nowhere is this statement truer than when you’re looking at your financial future. Let us explain.
We are going to be surprised by both positive and negative events in our financial lives. The stock market is going to go up, and the stock market is going to go down. Inflation is going to rise and fall. Low interest rates are going to give us great deals on our home mortgages, and high interest rates are going to give us great returns on our CDs, savings accounts, and money market accounts. Knowing that all these things are going to happen is the easy part. It becomesincreasingly difficult, however, when you are trying to determine when each of these things is going to happen. Wouldn’t it be nice to protect the money you have and the profits you make no matter what happens? Well, you can in the Forex market.
The Forex market enables you to make money no matter what is happening in the world around you. We are preparing for the unexpected by tapping into the profit-generating potential of the Forex market, and we believe you should too.
We first got involved in the Forex market after the dot-com bubble burst in the stock market. We wanted to find a way to diversify our portfolios so that we could take advantage of whatever market conditions presented themselves in the future. Now, we would love to say that we were instant successes and that we turned $1,000 into a cool $1 million overnight, but that would be ridiculous.
We’re not superheroes, and that’s not how things happen in the real world. We had to learn some hard lessons and lose a lot of money as we progressed, but we did it, and you can too. From the time we got involved in the world’s greatest financial market, we’ve taught thousands of people how to be successful in the financial markets and developed investment education courses for the largest investment education company in the United States ; we are now managing money in the Forex market for our investors.
We’ve learned a thing or two along our journey, and we want to pass that along to you.
Sure, you could set out on your own and try to learn all these lessons on your own, but why would you?
We’ve got all the information right here to get you started and keep you making profits for years to come.
In this blog we use basic economic principles, technical analysis concepts, and a lot of common sense to explain what the Forex market is and why it does what it does. We approach the Forex market from a very practical standpoint. Instead of dwelling on the sophisticated economic principles that make the world go ’round, we choose to focus on the basics that easily translate into realistic and sensible investing decisions. We will look at the Forex market from a practical point of view—not a theoretical one.
Theories are a great place to start because they point you in the right direction, but they don’t tell you what to do in the market right now. You need a set of practical tools to make snap decisions in the Forex market. This blog provides those tools.
Like every other financial market, the Forex market is constantly changing and evolving. If you change with it, you will be successful. If you stubbornly hold onto your preconceived theories, you won’t be successful. If you just remember that the market is always right, you will do well.
We tell you some stories, teach you a few history lessons, and take a look into the future because once you see what forces shaped this financial world we live in and what forces are going to continue to shape it, you can be successful in it.
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